Did you like them, some of them, not any of them. Did you ever go to church? what was it like.

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[–] tanuki 3 points

I am one. Yes, I've been to church, mainly the CoC. The acapella worship style is very beautiful. I've also been to a Baptist church a few times, but I despise the noisy music.

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[–] Coolguy 2 points

Christian lore is badass

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[–] kwk 1 point

most people ive known were christians otherwise they were atheists

always pleasant as they kept their religion to themselves and didnt make a big fuss about it

specifically the greek orthodox church is a little corrupt but its whatever

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[–] Anonymous ae8dcd2b 1 point

people who outwardly identified as Christian were always corny as fuck, but also a little dumb

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[–] Mr_trololo 1 point

I am one myself. However, I fucking hate the pastors who misunderstand the bible, and preach things they don't even understand, I also hate their followers who don't do research and belive shit instantly. Same goes to those who start arguments, despite not knowing shit. The fuckers who use religion to justify being a prick. The greedy religious leaders. The overly religious karens. The pedophiles who just happened to be christian, and put dirt on christianity. The rapist priests. Those who label themselves "apostles", or "saints" like bitch there are only 12 apostles, there will never be another. Those who worship Marry, she's just a human, she isn't meant to be worshiped. The fucking faggots who knock on people's doors to invite them to go to church. I also hate majority of the christian films, it's pretty clear why the writers of those ended up as pastors and not filmmakers, they're shit at it. The rest are pretty chill.

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[–] Anonymous 61ccfba1 1 point

I never went to church but I like christian universalists a lot

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[–] tanuki 1 point

"It is not the way of the compassionate Maker to create rational beings in order to deliver them over mercilessly to unending affliction in punishment for things of which He knew even before they were fashioned, aware how they would turn out when He created them, and whom nonetheless He created." - Isaac the Syrian. God is good, and He shall be all in all.

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