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[–] larina3315 2 points

Space tech.

because imo the major event of the 22th century is probably gonna be space travel/warfare/colonialization

and any nation would be dumb to not keep their space stuff well-hidden lest someone steals/copies it

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[–] larina3315 2 points

also probably growing artificial human organs and/or research on human gene editing

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[–] DM_ME_YOUR_NUDES 3 points

probably lots of backdoors and decryption tech, but not much else.

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[–] Mr_trololo 2 points
  • More modern nukes. Considering the most modern nuke (b83) was invented at late 1970s, and officially put in service at 1983. It's very likely a new nuke was invented in secret.
  • Bio weapons more lethal than botulism
  • Cyber attack bots
  • Other warfare related stuff
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