Have you ever observerd a group of people discussing aout a seemingly stupid and nonsensical topic, such as the latest celebrity news or whicever weird normie shit was currently popular, and felt as if you were observing a tribe of primitive creatures? Have you ever been made fun of or ignored for things such as your height, your appearance, or your refusal to follow the normie cult? Then you, fellow non-normie, have experienced normie behavior. This subchan is meant as a way for non-normies to cope with being excluded and to have a community.

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[–] Anonymous e258f793 2 points

>latest celebrity news

Yeah, I don't give a single flying fuck about celebrities and don't know why the fuck people care so much about this fucking useless news. I don't care who Leonardo DiCaprio fucked last night or who is fucking Cameron Diaz tonight. I don't fucking care.

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[–] Quack 3 points

I hate it when I scroll to the left on an Iphone and I see a stupid widget with a bunch of shitty "news" with these useless people. And please dont get me started on the stupid normie tiktok videos with the fucking annoying music.

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[–] Anonymous e258f793 1 point

TikTok is on its own level of shitness with this fucking annoying robot voice and the fucking annoying “oh no” song, and the most annoying thing are the people who share this shit on other sites. I didn't download this shitty app, so why the fuck do I have to see this fucking cringe videos on every other website.

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[–] Quack 2 points

>why the fuck do I have to see this fucking cringe videos on every other website

Sometimes I wonder whether normies are actually self-aware or are just NPC’s. There is nothing appealing about viewing a bunch of normies dance like a demented orangutan or complaining or following stupid trends. And the Tiktok-style format is spreading to other sites, leading to abominations like Youtube Shorts. These stupid normies put the shorts hashtag and when you click on it you get sent to a Tiktok ripoff made by Youtube.

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