
Posted by SorbianSwitzerland 11 months ago

Factions are distinct groups with their own sets of units, weapons, tools, bombs, and even vehicles. The player acts as the local-commander of their faction, competing with the others in the vicinity. Buying equipment from other factions costs four times the default value, but Free Trade items are always at their original value as they are more of a default faction, and are not individually playable in the game.

Free Trade: Free Trade is a super corporation which owns and operates TradeStars, including TradeStar Midas which transports everything you purchase in the Buy Menu. They also sell a few units and weapons of their own as well as most all the tools available. Free Trade works as the "default faction", being purchasable by all factions at their base cost. Free Trade is unplayable in campaigns and skirmishes.

Coalition: A militarized organization, the Coalition produce a large array of units and weaponry to choose from. They are versatile and powerful, making them a strong ally or a dangerous foe.

Imperatus: The Imperatus rely on pure brute force and the reliability of their sturdy and easy to produce armored units. They use simple low rate of fire guns and cannons which tirelessly deal out good damage.

Ronin: Rag-tag parties of bandits who prey on weak and unsuspecting explorers. Their soldiers are unarmored and weapons primitive, but they manage to get the job done.

Techion: The Techion were formed by a small group of elite corporations focusing on high-tech research and manufacture. They are sometimes employed and trusted by the TradeStars to do guard and escort duty.

Dummy: These robots were originally designed as test subjects for weapons, vehicle safety measures, and other lethal experiments, but an AI controller became sentient and broke off from its manufacturers, starting a new line of robots and weapons to defend itself.

Browncoat: A strong mercenary group who are fearsome when confronted up-close. What they lack in range is made up for in durability, allowing them to close distances while soaking bullets.

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