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dio888 1 point

Good video, I just wish they mentioned him being a freemason, i dont mean in a history channel conspiracy way i just mean his service as a freemason was part of his history and the masonic lodge still respects him, has his photos up.

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dio888 1 point

Team fortress 2, binding of isaac, league of legends(i dont play much) smite(i prefer smite to league now, smite is more serious and league will ban you for saying faggot or cancer.

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dio888 2 points

CIA data mining thread but im not doing anything so fuck it im from ohio, rust belt town. sort of, good weather besides the winter and not many bugs. Crime is more so drugs and sex, robberies are personal. There isn't many jobs if it isn't blue collar or grocery store tier.

Also the guy from Mississippi, are you near jackson? what is it like there?

Guy who said he wants to move to america, look into uruguay, get 50k USD in a portfolio with a dividend yield of 3-10% then you could realistically live off of the dividends there, they are so fucking poor its crazy, but they are 80% white with 10% tax rate, look up uruguay capital city and look at the photos.

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