

1422 Karma

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anonymous 2 points
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anonymous 2 points

"top-year" feed

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anonymous 2 points

"hot" feed

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anonymous 2 points

The whole sorting algo needs to be redone, I get posts from 3 months in my "hot" feed. If you sort by "top-year" and scrolled to load more, you will get posts that have low upvotes.

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anonymous 2 points

Good luck fren, I will miss your good taste in music.

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anonymous 1 point

So he deleted all his posts or was his account suspended?

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anonymous 0 points
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anonymous 0 points

half an hour for a fucking joke, this must be a joke.

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anonymous 1 point

Open source VSCode

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anonymous 3 points

They mostly clear cache and most new android devices come with a pre installed one

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anonymous 2 points
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anonymous 2 points

> I'm guessing that means that if a post gets reported a mod can hit Approve to clear the reported status?


> Still doesn't seem to justify having the approve link there if a post hasn't been reported.


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anonymous 2 points

Yeah, I wanted to suggest this for a long time, but I always forget. Completely agree with all the features you proposed in the other posts too.

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anonymous 2 points

Cicero said it's used to ignore reports

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anonymous 1 point

Mint is less bloated more privacy focused plus no snap

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anonymous 2 points
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anonymous 1 point
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anonymous 1 point

You need to make a request on the forums.

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anonymous 2 points

We all have many cringe memories. It's ok anon, you will forget some as you age.

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anonymous 2 points

You can use it without being a member.

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anonymous 2 points

Congrats fren you got the title

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anonymous 1 point

Thanks for sharing anon

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anonymous 2 points

Weird that you still didn't get "Founder" title, take my upvote fren hopefully it gets you closer to reach the required karma.

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anonymous 1 point
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anonymous 2 points


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