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anonymous 2 points

Hopefully forever

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anonymous 1 point

> I couldn't find any links to source code

Mainchan is closed source

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anonymous 2 points

Same, I always wonder if this site gets bigger and was noticed by the authorities, will Mainchan turn into reddit 2.0? Will Cicero sell to the Chinese? I think these are valid points that deserve to be raised.

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anonymous 2 points

Anon deserves better gf

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anonymous 1 point

Fantastic site, I used to put reddit in my searches when looking for products to get somewhat authentic recommendation.

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anonymous 1 point

> 6GB of RAM and 128GB

> Qualcomm Snapdragon 750G

> 3,905 mAh

> It’s a decent €200 phone that happens to be priced at €579. That’s the price of sustainability.

Nah, Thanks

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anonymous 2 points

Yeah, people love to use it in the end of the world videos :D, if you didn't watch the movie I recommend watching it.

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anonymous 2 points

>Really? I'll test this. Approving a post just makes it so reports are ignored.

I thought it was for mods to prevent posts until getting approved.

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anonymous 2 points

Wish you a speedy recovery

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anonymous 2 points

I was just gonna share this :). Amazing soundtrack and movie.

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anonymous 1 point

Linux mint with i3wm is the best OS every developer can dream of, fast, stable, keyboard focused.

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anonymous 2 points

What a shitty name for a competition

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anonymous 1 point

Finally, the new version of traffic simulator :D

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anonymous 1 point

Thanks, Cicero san.

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anonymous 1 point

Video unavailable

This video is not available

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anonymous 2 points

reddit mods

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anonymous 2 points

>Are you saying that this is why you joined this subchannel


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anonymous 2 points

This what I joined for.

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anonymous 1 point

The problem was the image extension

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anonymous 1 point

Probably that was the problem

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anonymous 1 point

it's webp image

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anonymous 2 points

Same issue, it's an image post

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anonymous 2 points

I'm talking about posts

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anonymous 2 points

Cicero Can't post anything.

500 Internal Server Error

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anonymous 1 point
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