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_by_me -1 point


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_by_me 2 points

My brother in Allah, I see that your mind has been corrupted by the great satan and his glowing minions. Rest assured, for Alla's sacred light will cleanse your mind and your soul.


And unfortunately the project couldn't be brought out to completion since some elements were overflowing on mobile, so I had to add code to update the styling dynamically in JSX, which took quite a bit of time.

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_by_me 1 point


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_by_me 3 points

the comments are impossible to read with the bg image

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_by_me 1 point

That's a perfect example of why I post mostly on 4chan, and why I think there are virtually no alternatives to it. Pretty much every thread is like that, full of extremely rude and enlightening posts. Anyone who posts something retarded, is quickly drowned in abusive comments and chased away.

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_by_me 3 points

Brother in Allah, please see the light and follow the righteous path. It may be true that Is real doesn't have any right to exist, but that doesn't excuse all the pain caused by dictators. Open your eyes and see the light

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_by_me 1 point

add sorting by controversial as well

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_by_me 1 point

Generative art is what it sounds like; art made with computers. I'd recommend this book if you want to get into the rabbit hole.

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_by_me 1 point

Thanks, and yes, I'm the coder. This is trivial to implement if you know the basics of programming. In fact, it's one of the most well known pieces of generative art.

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_by_me 1 point


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_by_me 1 point

based non meme distro user

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_by_me 3 points


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_by_me 1 point

idk, never watched the anime

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_by_me 2 points


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_by_me 1 point


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_by_me 2 points

gake and fay

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_by_me 1 point

Chrome is recommended, since it doesn't seem to load on firefox.

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_by_me - Lurker 1 point


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_by_me - Lurker 1 point *

Was having some issues, but now they are fixed, alhamdulillah.

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_by_me - Lurker 1 point

he said that the frontend is build with JQuery, so at least the time he wasted grappling with that abomination instead of a nice modern front end framework would be meaningless

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_by_me - Lurker 1 point

Despite what elon has been saying about taking down the bot spam, I think they are doing a less than optimal job at it, I have 52 followers, and 51 of them are bots.

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_by_me 1 point

It tends to do that on chromium based browsers, but it performs decently on firefox. There's a lot of room for improvement. this is the kind of stuff is s'pposed to produce.

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_by_me 1 point

time to shut it down

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_by_me 1 point *

I personally don't have an issue with this, but I feel like you'll lose some of the userbase that you gained with the 4chan bread.

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_by_me 2 points

A calendar widget I build for a mnemonics app recently. The final version is a bit different, and slightly more complicated but I'm too lazy to update this version.

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