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Obisi 4 points TRIPS GET

I drew 4 ducks in 3 pictures

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Obisi 1 point

> You're retarded

Lel. Cry me a river, or better still, cry to your mommy

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Obisi 1 point

It's linux, it's beautiful, lots of actually useful built-in apps useful in the real world... I could go on and on

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Obisi 1 point

> You're retarded

Cry me a river... Or better still, cry to mommy

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Obisi 1 point

I haugh hysterically whenever I see all these AI coding threads. Newfags don't realize that to code anything reasonable/fairly complex with AI, the instructions you'll need to feed the AI will be MORE COMPLICATED THAN CODE ITSELF!

> fuckinglol.jpg

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Obisi 1 point

Holy shit. Am I the only one thinking about how sad this greentext is? Lol

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Obisi 1 point *

I use Elementary OS. Comfy.

Up next will be Deepin OS.

> buh muh privacy

Get out of you mom's basement first

> buh buh Chines..

You just stupid

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Obisi 2 points

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