

18 Karma

Just a pervy wizard flashing his wand

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FlasherGordon 1 point

Hookers fren, hookers.

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FlasherGordon 1 point *

It's a link to a streaming site, there's no virus.

Edit: I just checked with my AdBlock and uBlock Origin turned off as well and still nothing like a virus. Would you mind posting a screengrab of what you're seeing?

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FlasherGordon 1 point

My account ain't old enough to message you so I'll post my question here and hope you see it:

Cicero is there any way to keep my sub from appearing on the front or all pages? It's NSFW and I feel like it's catching downvotes from people who don't care for the subject matter. I'd rather not announce every post to the whole site and just have my subscribers see them.

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FlasherGordon 1 point

Very weird that there's 6 empty or deleted replies to this post. Hmm.

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FlasherGordon 1 point

One of my all time favorite flashes. The shopkeep doesn't mind at all. She holds a complete convo while the guy is stroking it in plain sight. She only comes in at the end when she notices customers seem bothered and even then all she says is "You haven't found anything yet." If only all flashes were this casual.

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