

30 Karma
Joined 2 years ago
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Byte 1 point

But where are the malformed fingers?

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Byte 2 points

Imagine having to apply to begin human trials instead of just spamming it globally and getting paid trillions for it.

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Byte 1 point

Low test

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Byte 1 point

Go back to good, old-fashioned beating it in the bushes outside someone's bedroom window.

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Byte 2 points

People have been killed for less than that pun.

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Byte 5 points

Global rank is increasing? Uh-oh.

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Byte 1 point

This has been well known for a long time. Reddit just finds new ways to get worse the more times passes.

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Byte 2 points


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Byte 2 points

Never did.

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Byte 2 points

This is what happens when you let Pajeets run things.

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Byte 2 points

The Fediverse is gay

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Byte 1 point

Yuru Camp. It's alright.

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Byte 1 point

Womp womp

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Byte 1 point

An important part of the daily routine

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Byte 1 point

Wish You Were Here is their best for mine

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Byte 1 point


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Byte 3 points TRIPS GET

It's done to death and so very reddit

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