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ymous 3 points

You right there, you will be responsible for designing the logo.

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ymous 3 points

We are so close to success. I can already feel the stacks and stacks of money falling all over us as we pop the champagne bottle sitting in a lambo surrounded by girls in bikinis.


All we have to do now is complete whatever that final step is after logo and name design. I'm gonna ask ChatGPT about that.

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ymous 3 points

ChudGPT is not with us on this one. He has no belief in our company's goals and values.

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ymous 4 points
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ymous 3 points

Modern UI does look crap, but I have gotten used to ignoring it. The less I bother about shit like round corners, the more time I have to post very funny images and videos on Mainchan.

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ymous 3 points


But that's not true. Have you seen the stuff /u/ymous posts? I think it's absolutely hilarious. I spend so much time laughing my ass off whenever I see his posts.

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ymous 4 points

Why was this allowed to happen.

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ymous 3 points

Peak presidency

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ymous 3 points

It tastes like you just drank some coke and then took a bite out of an oreo. Just a normal chocolate oreo taste but with a hint of cola.

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ymous 3 points

The algorithm recognized that you spend too much time indoors and tried to tell you to get some fresh air.

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ymous 3 points

consult with the magic 8 ball to be sure

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ymous 4 points

mmmmm yummy yummy burnt animal remains



Real. This is why I tend to write long posts/comments in some other place first like a text editor or a note taking app before actually posting it here. Sometimes I also select and copy the text I'm writing so that I'd have a piece of it stored in clipboard in case I accidentally reload the page and it all disappears.

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ymous 4 points

>Admins saying it was a glitch

I was somewhat expecting that to be the case. The bans happened all so sudden and then quickly got reversed. It just made no sense why they would do that.

But then, yeah, who knows what they're actually cooking. They temporarily banned /r/whitepeopletwitter yesterday. Someone said that it's because the users where doxxing people on there, which makes sense as the "no doxxing" rule is quoted on the ban message. This could have been somehow related.

Some are saying that Reddit is planning on closing NSFW subreddits because of MAGA influence or whatever. I don't really buy into that shit cuz it's dumb, but who knows. Here is one post talking about that perspective.

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