

149 Karma
Joined 1 year ago
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dodgeTHIS 2 points

I'd let daddy reagan tickle me

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dodgeTHIS 2 points

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dodgeTHIS 4 points

also hi i'm new

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dodgeTHIS 1 point

I main lucina but pika is gud too

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dodgeTHIS 1 point

thought ya'll were from 4chan

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dodgeTHIS 1 point

weak b8 m8

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dodgeTHIS 1 point
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dodgeTHIS 2 points

Used to be logic. Then I realized that morality is just a moral construct used for selfish reasons. Basically morality is applied game theory if you deconstruct it.

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dodgeTHIS 2 points

I'm a female and I was bullied relentlessly everyday as a preteen by shitstain males. Combined with a father that never gave a shit, those are probably the main reasons I can only develop affection for other women

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dodgeTHIS 0 points

we can be friends.

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dodgeTHIS 1 point

That's such a broad question. Can you be more specific?

I could say I like TOTK and Slay the Spire but they're wildly different games with different design choices, mechanics, etc. etc.

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dodgeTHIS 1 point

>Buy bitcoin. Literally spend all your savings on any and all crypto. Sell in 2021.



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dodgeTHIS 1 point


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dodgeTHIS 0 points

sounds like you're one of the pussies too

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dodgeTHIS 2 points

I support those who do this but TBH I barely have enough willpower to get my own life in order.

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a classic (youtube.com)
s/videos · Posted by dodgeTHIS 1 year ago
dodgeTHIS 1 point

>libs when calling a product or service a human right doesn't magically make it immune to scarcity

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dodgeTHIS 1 point

I want more roguelike card games for mobile, like slay the spire.

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dodgeTHIS 1 point

Yes. Yes I would.

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dodgeTHIS 1 point

is it fun

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