

1422 Karma

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anonymous 2 points

Did you know that FYI stands for Fat Young Incel?

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anonymous 1 point *

Not true though, it's just slang for friend

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anonymous 0 points

Yes, there is a feedback subchan /s/feedback

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anonymous 1 point

If you don't have pc, let me know I'll create one and transfer ownership to you

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anonymous 2 points

That explains why you're not seeing the button. Try to open from pc.

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anonymous 2 points

Nope, are you on phone?

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anonymous 3 points

On the front page. Click the button on the right that says "Create a Subchannel".

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anonymous 1 point

All my comments are made anonymously

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anonymous 1 point

I prefer anons or frens.

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anonymous 1 point
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anonymous 1 point

As a Mainchan founder, I totally agree :D

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anonymous 2 points

Welcome fren, it's nice to see many people abandoning reddit and joining Mainchan

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anonymous 1 point


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anonymous 3 points

Features section is hilarious

Browse your favorite websites, such as Reddit™
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anonymous 2 points

My second favorite album after the dark side of the moon.

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anonymous 1 point

Your pfp is hilarious what's the source if you don't mind?

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anonymous 2 points

Welcome back anon

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anonymous 2 points


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anonymous 1 point

also check out my old suggestion

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anonymous 1 point

I don't think there should be a level 2 founder, you can make a new title called early bird or something like that.

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anonymous 1 point

Yes, he is.

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anonymous 2 points
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anonymous 3 points

RIP rarbg, you will be missed.

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