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Today, in the new, cost-cutting era of Google, some employees don't even get to have their own desks.

CNBC's Jennifer Elias obtained an internal document from Google's "Cloud" division, which declares, “Most Googlers will now share a desk with one other Googler.”

Rather than the humorous image of Google employees sitting shoulder-to-shoulder and fighting over desk space, employees are expected to alternate their desk usage from one day to the next.

Google called the desk-sharing plan "Cloud Office Evolution” saying it would combine “the best of pre-pandemic collaboration with the flexibility" and would "ultimately lead to more efficient use of our space.”

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anonymous 1 point

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anonymous 1 point

haha, yeah I hated React at first, but it grew on me. When You start thinking the React way, you will love it.

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anonymous 1 point

Unlike other Chinese companies, Xiaomi products are very good.

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anonymous 1 point

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anonymous 1 point

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anonymous 1 point

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anonymous 1 point
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anonymous 1 point

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anonymous 1 point

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anonymous 1 point
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anonymous 1 point *

Who uses Reddit for as a travel guide, every country is a shithole according to redditors who haven't left their mom's basement

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anonymous 1 point
Mainchan has risen as one of the most popular channels for helping people get ahead in life by giving them helpful tips and advice on how to succeed

Lol not sure about that

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anonymous 1 point


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anonymous 1 point


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anonymous 1 point
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anonymous 1 point

it's webp image

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anonymous 1 point

Probably that was the problem

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anonymous 1 point

The problem was the image extension

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anonymous 1 point

Video unavailable

This video is not available

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anonymous 1 point

Thanks, Cicero san.

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anonymous 1 point

Finally, the new version of traffic simulator :D

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anonymous 1 point

Linux mint with i3wm is the best OS every developer can dream of, fast, stable, keyboard focused.

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