

190 Karma
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Warren 1 point

Your body language will always be the biggest insult you can dish back

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Warren 1 point


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Warren 1 point

do it for the lulz?

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Warren 1 point

hell yeah dude

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Warren 1 point

creative hobbies can take a lot of time before they become fulfilling

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Warren 1 point

I can kind of see the resemblance.

My hairdresser won't stop cancelling on me, and this woman at the bar just told me last night that I look like wolverine, so I guess that's a thing.

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Warren 1 point

I did one of these

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Warren 1 point

I check it once a month or so, always seems to be about the same.

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Warren 1 point

the systematic dismantlement of everything enjoyable in life

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Warren 1 point

yeah, looking forward to it! fingers crossed about it generating a good influx of users

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Warren 1 point


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Warren 1 point

the formatting seems off now, I have to zoom out on mobile to be able to see the whole frame of the video

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Warren 1 point

Is there any way to make it so videos don't autoplay? There's many times I'd much rather look at comments beforehand or instead.

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Warren 1 point


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Warren 1 point

1 more suggestion: maybe streamline the dialogue prompt for reporting incorrect tags so that you're asked something like "What should this post be tagged as?"

But after making a selection, you're provided with an additional warning/snippet of the relevant content policy. For politics it'd be something like "Does this post reference a candidate, political party, elected or appointed government official, election, referendum, ballot measure, legislation, regulation, directive, or judicial outcome?"

Your definitions for the tags are very clear, but I think a little reminder would go a long way in preventing people from acting on their own subjective interpretations of these terms.

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Warren 1 point *

From what I've seen, most people speculate that a decently polished version is only a few months out.

It was only 2 months ago that they first got the game to boot to the title screen, so their progress has been incredibly fast.

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Warren 1 point *

I'm actually against this change. I think downvotes should inherently be treated as a feature rather than a flaw. It's also misleading to label a board as "all" when it doesn't actually include everything.

I think if a mod doesn't like how their sub is being treated by the greater community, then making the sub private is already an adequate solution.

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Warren 1 point

The site already has content filters for situations like that

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Warren 1 point

I didn't even know it was election day until I saw Cicero's post lol

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Warren 1 point *

My h*sband raped me with a kn*fe and cut off my head and fed it to the d*g. AITA?

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Warren 0 points

Midas, after hunting, asked his captive Silenus somewhat urgently, what was the most desirable thing among humankind. At first he could offer no response, and was obstinately silent. At length, when Midas would not stop plaguing him, he erupted with these words, though very unwillingly: 'you, seed of an evil genius and precarious offspring of hard fortune, whose life is but for a day, why do you compel me to tell you those things of which it is better you should remain ignorant? For he lives with the least worry who knows not his misfortune; but for humans, the best for them is not to be born at all, not to partake of nature's excellence; not to be is best, for both sexes. This should be our choice, if choice we have; and the next to this is, when we are born, to die as soon as we can.'

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