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Warren 2 points

Man, you really make me afraid that I'll never get my own material recorded either. I've shown people some early-ish demos and they always get hyped as hell. Hopefully this house deal works out next week, then I can finally set up a proper recording space.

Cool band btw, would've loved to hear your sound.

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Warren 2 points

I never have, unless you count those few times I regret going on there like 15 years ago

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Warren 1 point

song fuckin rips

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Warren 1 point

I think understanding is more valuable than demonizing, and it seems that the two tend to be mutually exclusive.

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Warren 2 points *

You could have a small footer on every page with links to the aforementioned. I'd also throw in a link to the site rules since that's currently hard to access on mobile.

edit: if not every page, then at least on pages like settings, user profile, etc.

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Warren 2 points

half life 2

dark souls 1



zelda wind waker

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Warren 4 points

>In 2018, Congress passed the Music Modernization Act that extended the copyright for pre1972 music to 2067.


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Warren 1 point

well look at this handsome fella

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Warren 1 point


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The World's Most Powerful Laser (twitter.com)
s/random Posted by Warren 1 year ago
Warren 1 point

Your body language will always be the biggest insult you can dish back

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Warren 1 point


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Warren 1 point

do it for the lulz?

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Warren 1 point

hell yeah dude

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Warren 3 points

There's probably a few factors involved. One I can think of is that security has simply gotten better and more commonplace. Nowadays you see 2FA everywhere, but iirc this wasn't always the case. Another thing to consider is that web services have become much more centralized in the last few decades, and I'm sure that the companies who offer those services probably have great infosec.

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Warren 1 point

creative hobbies can take a lot of time before they become fulfilling

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Warren 1 point

I can kind of see the resemblance.

My hairdresser won't stop cancelling on me, and this woman at the bar just told me last night that I look like wolverine, so I guess that's a thing.

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Warren 1 point

I did one of these

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Warren 0 points

Midas, after hunting, asked his captive Silenus somewhat urgently, what was the most desirable thing among humankind. At first he could offer no response, and was obstinately silent. At length, when Midas would not stop plaguing him, he erupted with these words, though very unwillingly: 'you, seed of an evil genius and precarious offspring of hard fortune, whose life is but for a day, why do you compel me to tell you those things of which it is better you should remain ignorant? For he lives with the least worry who knows not his misfortune; but for humans, the best for them is not to be born at all, not to partake of nature's excellence; not to be is best, for both sexes. This should be our choice, if choice we have; and the next to this is, when we are born, to die as soon as we can.'

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Warren 2 points


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Warren 1 point

I check it once a month or so, always seems to be about the same.

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Warren 1 point

the systematic dismantlement of everything enjoyable in life

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Warren 2 points

Never heard of this before. Apparently there's only a few active ones in the world, but none of them harvest the fuel which is generated by the process.

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