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NecroSocial 2 points

Somehow still scummy.

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NecroSocial 1 point *

Well it had to happen eventually. We seem to have our first unfair, power-tripping mod. Looks like it's time to make a new Pixelland sub and abandon the original. Since there's so few subbed there it should be pretty trivial to make the new sub the default for Pixelland posts by making sure everyone knows it's (1 follower, 3 karma having) mod is a powertripper. Then, eventually when the original sub is a ghost town for 30+ days you can come in and claim it.

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AI or DIE - Episode 2 "Simulations" (
s/videos · Posted by NecroSocial 6 months ago
NecroSocial 1 point

I was brought across in 1228, preyed on humans for their blood..

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NecroSocial 1 point
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NecroSocial 2 points

Hey, I like finally being the second most frequent poster around here. Also Cicero is way too IDGAF to bother posting on an alt just to mimic activity. I can't get the guy to send out a mass email to remind lapsed users the site exists and has an app now.

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NecroSocial 2 points *

Haha, I just saw that weaksauce post you made on Reddit. It's a bad read and has a typos:

...has all kinds of features that [word missing] doesn't have

...feed for users your follow

...We also don't have ads plan to monetize through "private feeds" (I know what you mean and that sentence is still confusing)

Were you perhaps throwing back a couple shots when you wrote that post?

Also do you have any other way to add people to the beta than email addresses? I can imagine people not wanting to give their emails up front before they've even signed up for the site/app... especially after reading a message who's typos kinda read like a scammer email.

I left a comment in there btw, just giving the place props.

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NecroSocial 1 point

I bet one post from you on Reddit Alternatives will do it.

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NecroSocial 4 points
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NecroSocial 1 point

Now this is how you do a Strong Female Character™ movie. Think Disney will take note?

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NecroSocial 1 point

The Brickster is also the name of a special move I perform on the toilet

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NecroSocial 3 points *

Takes guts to admit Nickelback was your first heavy music. I liked one Nickelback song: Leader of Men because that was around the time I was teaching myself guitar and it was super easy to play.


My first taste of heavy music would be like (carbon dating myself here) 1984, first time I saw Motley Crue - Looks That Kill. I had just become fascinated with the occult after finding, at my local library, books on witchcraft and esotericism. So when this MC video with pentagrams on their double bass drums came out right in the middle of the 80's Satanic Panic it was like yessss give me more delicious rebelion!


I was a little kid though, 0 money and the fam wouldn't even buy me black clothes let alone metal records. I went back to my rap stuff, occasionally digging a heavy song I'd see on MTV. Wasn't until Grunge that my love for heavy music fully resurfaced. High school years. I remember being in my grandmother's room watching her tv when the video for Nirvana Smells Like Teen Spirit was played for the first time and changed my whole life. I rocked out with the tv blasting and the love for heavy music came rushing back. Only now I could get a job and buy my own music and clothes and eventually a cheapo Squier guitar on which I taught myself Smells Like Teen Spirt and then it was off to the races.


A friend I met at work (Halloween Store) was this gutter punk kid and we made a horrible band with no name who played one VFW Hall show for a bunch of skinheads who booed us because I'm Black. We won them over by announcing our name was "KK Kenny and The Nigger Lovers" (my idea, got em to stop throwing cans at us). We had three songs that were like a minute each and we made up the rest of our set on the fly. Just barely organized noise. It got so roudy the cops busted up the show. So now I was into punk, then Goth, then some mainstream Metal. Then a friend introduced me to Death Metal and it Blew. My. Goddamn. Mind. Yeah so that's the evolution of my love for heavy music.

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NecroSocial 2 points

This reminds me there was this like grindcore or death metal type band I was gonna post here. I'm blanking on their name rn. But the funny part is the dude who started the band wanted to make the most evil band possible so, instead of doing a satanic thing like Deicide he made a band that only makes blatant, ridiculously graphic pedo songs. I gotta remember who they were cuz I'm damn sure not gonna try to search them up and wind up on some list.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Interesting. Never heard of these guys before. The part at 4:28 that it builds up to is a vibe, I dig it. The whole long slow build thing reminds me of Oceansize "An Old Friend of The Christy's" (though that song goes heavier where this one is more sorta ethereal). Anyway, gonna check this band out when I get a chance.

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NecroSocial 2 points

The Huawei Mate XT has stolen all the Samsung Z Fold 6's thunder. I think most people who were thinking of getting a Z-Fold 6 are going to wait for Samsung to put out their own tri-fold or equivalent before they make the move to a folding phone. Samsung is lucky Huawei is a Chinese brand and most Americans won't buy a phone known to leak their data to the CCP or their sales would be tanking right now.

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NecroSocial 2 points *

Have to use the search feature. It'll come up as soon as you type the first couple letters. Full subchan list hasn't been implemented in the app yet.

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NecroSocial 2 points *

Saw the first episode from the leaks. Netflix is censoring the hell out of this show. Not just the anime boobs but the dialog as well. I'll stick to the original uncensored series and OVAs. Those pirated 25 gigabytes are hard drive space well spent. Still glad new people will be introduced to the show but that "modern audiences" censorship shit is for babies.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Surely you mean Playstation Pro?

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