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NecroSocial 1 point *

Finally figured out the source of your infinite lolis anon. "Gochūmon wa Usagi desu ka?" or "Is the Order a Rabit?" But besides that, WTF is up with the blue haired girl's right arm? The artist messed up and drew it way too long, it'd have to be coming out the middle of her back to look like that. You got a fetish for deformed lolis anon?


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NecroSocial 1 point


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NecroSocial 1 point

I wasn't even aware that posts a year old got archived. That is pretty shite. The archive limit should definitely be longer than one year, personally I'd set it at somewhere between 3 to 5 years and that's only if content needs to be archived for some server resource reason, otherwise I'd just keep all content active. Why limit where people can post when you don't have to and you're trying to grow the site? Having a huge percent of site content rendered non-interactive seems very self defeating.

Any thoughts from our valiant leader /u/Cicero?

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NecroSocial 1 point

Just a reminder that /s/FeatureRequest exist if anyone has an idea for Mainchan they want to highlight for consideration.

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NecroSocial 1 point *

So you're saying make it look like a Geocities website from the late 90's? Can the background be an animated fire gif? I vote fire gif.

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NecroSocial 1 point

Yeah by video post I just meant YouTube etc.

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NecroSocial 1 point

I was about to go on this whole spiel that becoming legendary seems to only require artists to stay active longer than their peers but then I looked it up and friggin' Papa Roach is still active and they're the opposite of legendary so that ruins that theory.

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NecroSocial 1 point

Someone should make a dedicated space sub. I'd do it but I mod too many already. The question is should it be "/s/pace" or "/s/space"?

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NecroSocial 1 point

Getting better though. Gone from top posts getting 2-3 likes to top posts getting 4-8 likes. Soon we'll regularly see double digit likes on posts. Organic growth with basically no ads and no AI bots or CEO's paying for fake engagement (a la Reddit's launch) boosting the numbers. It's kinda kewl.

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NecroSocial 1 point
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NecroSocial 1 point

Note: Spielberg is a rumor. Sauce:

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NecroSocial 1 point

Fast turn around, niceness. Many thanks.

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NecroSocial 1 point

Nice. Are you able to run Stable Diffusion locally or do you use a hosted version like something on Huggingface? You mention Automatic1111 so I'm assuming local. Is it the latest version and do you need beefy hardware to handle it?

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NecroSocial 1 point

For issues that require back-end coding are you using one of the various AI coding tools? If not you should. Could make some of these bug fixes a lot easier. Just paste in your current code, describe the bug and ask it the AI to fix it while you puff some of the Halfling's leaf.

1) It's hard for me to recreate this issue on my end. /u/Trucidare has this issue as well. It might end up getting fixed, idk.

Perfect use case for an AI assistant to fix for you.

2) I'd have to play around with the app more to replicate this.

Are you testing one multiple devices and OS versions? I know Samsung offers Device Lab and there are various other services that offer cross device/OS mobile app testing as well. I'm assuming you're already testing in an emulator so just throwing some other testing methods out there in case you haven't given them a shot. If you haven't tested with any such services they could probably be a big help in spotting issues you're having trouble replicating locally.

4) wtf why is the text so big on your device? What device are you using?

Samsung Galaxy Note 8. A pretty old model since I refuse to update to the newer models that lack a headphone jack. (The foldables are tempting but I'm holding out til Samsung solves the ugly screen crease).

5) Yeah this is happening because the text is so big for your device. Would really like to know what device you have. Do you have some kind of accessibility settings that makes text bigger?

It's not the text size. I just set the text to the smallest size my phone allows and you can see in the attached image the formatting still breaks sometimes (and also, confusingly, still doesn't break sometimes). Besides if the formatting is reliant on the font size being medium-small to work that's just setting yourself up for issues when font sizes vary so wildly across mobile devices. Gotta make sure even big ass elderly people fonts don't gunk up the works (as someone who's made government websites where I had to account for the unknown font sizes on unknown screen sizes I know the PITA of this requirement but it's worth it just in terms of bullet-proofing your layout).

6) I think this is an option on reddit. Either way you can just click on the comments button.

This one's a user experience issue. I guarantee it will be a pain point for most new users since clicking a small, unlabeled icon UNDER the link/title they think they're supposed to click is highly unintuitive. Smoothing out such UX pain points will help in acquiring new users and making they stick around.

8) I was going to get rid of the "Loading..." text, it's just for me really.

Just giving that page the dark mode bg color and a centered Mainchan logo would bring it in line with most every major social app's loading splash.

9) Yeah I'll expand on the subchans screen. For now it's pretty basic.

Cool. cool.

10) Suggestions for an "OC" icon?

Best AI suggested idea "Light Bulb: A classic symbol of ideas and creativity, a light bulb can represent innovative thoughts and original concepts." Second best was a writing quill.

11 and 12) Yeah a lot of things are missing. Some on purpose, some I don't know if I'll ever implement in the app. The app wasn't designed to have all the same stuff the website has, it's just supposed to be a convenient way to use mainchan on a mobile device.

In pro-dev speak you've described an MVP (Minimum Viable Product). The least product possible to give a working something to users so you can start generating returns. That's all well and good. I'd advise you to plan on getting all of the features of the website into the app though. Especially the Content Creator Program (CCP) since that it will be a major driver of users and revenue once it's actually rolling. BTW while I'm on the subject you should definitely roll out Reddit-style ad posts ASAP, not big ass images, just regular posts that are slightly highlighted to show they're ads. Y'know tasteful. Not a whole lot of em, just enough to keep the lights on and maybe start funding the CCP.

17) neither does the reddit app

The Reddit app does obey the phone's back button in those instance though, Mainchain app doesn't.

19) I'm not adding mod support at the moment to the app.

I get your logic there. The user ban appeal should definitely be in the app tho.


That said...

Feature Request: Increase the character limit and include a character count down near the text input box. I had to battle with it to post this and I had no indication why I suddenly couldn't type anything anymore.

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NecroSocial 1 point *

Niceness. What are the allowed video stats? Just the 10mb size limit? No other restrictions?

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NecroSocial 1 point

Forgot to ask, are we going to be able to open videos the same way we can preview images with the +/- toggle?

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NecroSocial 1 point

I use Perplexity and Chat GPT (free versions). I'd like to try Claude and will definitely be diving into Cursor when I do whatever my next paid coding thing is.

What about you? Also do you use any image or video AI?

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NecroSocial 1 point

I'd need more details, is it just stay healthy and young but can die if traumatic injury hits me like getting hit by a truck or shot? Is it youth, health, invulnerability to physical damage or mental decay, etc. forever? Would I be able to die if I want to? I lean towards yeah take the pill but then I don't want to be around when the sun swallows the earth or have to suffocate in empty space waiting for the heat death of the universe or something.

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NecroSocial 1 point *

Power through.

Some of my old bands opened for fairly big acts at the time like Kittie, The Misfits, The Cruxshadows or at big festivals and such. And, for me at least, there was always this initial feeling of "oh shit" when you see a huge ass crowd and realize they expect you to go up on stage and be this larger than life performer who plays a flawless set despite everything you know can go wrong (I once had to improvise a guitar part on the fly to cover for our keyboardist who completely forgot half their solo in front of a crowd this big (not us btw just the same venue and crowd size) That moment of terror did not not suck). But every time anxiety like that hits just power through. When it's fight or flight almost always choose violence and choose it automatically because the hesitation can screw you over as well. Like if I'd been one beat later covering for my keyboardist the screw up would have been obvious and we'd have had to stop and restart the song which is just death.

So yeah that's how I handle anxiety over situations or courses of action. Just general anxiety where you're like chilling at home and it hits you? Well that's what weed is for. Unless weed makes you anxious then I dunno ketamine? Play with a puppy or something?

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NecroSocial 1 point

Indeed. "I Cum Blood" isn't just a song it's a lifestyle.

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NecroSocial 1 point

The Brickster is also the name of a special move I perform on the toilet

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NecroSocial 1 point

Now this is how you do a Strong Female Character™ movie. Think Disney will take note?

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NecroSocial 1 point

I bet one post from you on Reddit Alternatives will do it.

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