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NecroSocial 1 point

Ah k. I can't really code lawyer a way around that one. Good on ya.

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NecroSocial 1 point

Ok. Guess I'm taking the L on this idea then. Thanks for coming to the table for these requests in general BTW.

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NecroSocial 1 point

Submitted an issue to the repo. If the dev submits code to fix it will you implement?

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NecroSocial 1 point

That was a case of stupid employees and a maybe an even stupider employer for hiring them to begin with. That or the employees were in on it.

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NecroSocial 1 point

Do you mean the lyrics or the growly voice?

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NecroSocial 1 point *

Sigh, Klutzman already starting on the wrong foot with "a new enemy that threatens both the Academy and the Federation itself."

Just students going through Academy is more than enough awesome to base a show around. We're talking about cadets learning how to become interstellar astronauts, learning the sci-fi science that underpins the Trek universe, having a home base set in a near utopic future Earth combined with the politics of academia, The Federation and United Earth. But no Kurtzman needs to inject some arch villain to threaten the whole ass Federation for the millionth time under his tenure. This man truly does not learn from his fuck ups.

Can we just once get a god damned bright and optimistic, live-action Star Trek show without ridiculous world-ending stakes? The show hasn't even begun casting yet and I'm already pissed at how I know they're going to handle it.

Edit: I just remembered Discovery sent Tilly to teach at the Academy. Phuk!

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NecroSocial 1 point

Ok after looking around for like an hour now it seems I've forgotten how ass most of these heavy bands with clean vocals are. I posted a Shadows Fall song that has understandable yelling in the verses and clean singing in some of the choruses. But yeah I really spoke too soon saying there were a "good number" of DM bands with clean vox. The bands with clean vocals tend toward either slower or less heavy songs or both. The power and thrash metal inspired stuff is faster but not brutally heavy and the vocals can tend toward cringe a bit much for my tastes. Sorry I got your hopes up mate.

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NecroSocial 1 point

Disabling linking is a non starter. This site is aimed at being a viable Reddit alternative as Reddit slowly censors and authoritarians itself out of relevance. That means the site is a content aggregation platform. Disabling link posts disables the ability to aggregate content from around the web, killing the site's primary function.

In any event I think we see so many link posts because most of us that are trying to attract engagement and help the site grow have been posting links like crazy hoping that leads to discussion on them. Given how poorly that's working for me (I mod the s/StarTrek sub that is a wealth of links with almost zero comments under them) I've taken to carpet bombing the link posts I find interesting with comments in hopes of getting people talking more.

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NecroSocial 1 point

I wouldn't think you could find enough content here yet to be on Mainchan all day. I feel like I've seen almost everything here already and can breeze through any new posts in a few minutes when I do the daily check in. If I'm going around posting I can get through that in under an hour easy. How are you on here all day?

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NecroSocial 1 point

Pi pie

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NecroSocial 1 point

Had it all saved on a work PC but I didn't take it with me when I lost that job. Big mistake.

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NecroSocial 1 point

Heeyyy I've got over 100 karma but no Founder status, wuh happen?

As for titles how about "Double Founder" at 1k and "Double Quarter-Founder With Cheese" at 10k?

Or how about just add levels? Founder > Founder Level 2 > Founder Level 3 etc...?

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NecroSocial 1 point

Ah k. Makes sense. Maybe the profile page could show users their own true karma next to the public karma count? Or would that be too confusing? Either way thanks for checking for me.

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NecroSocial 1 point

That we should promote the site with a "Free the Fap" event to destigmatize public masturbation. I think it was more like people didn't get that I was joking.

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NecroSocial 1 point

Looks cool. I'll have to try it out next time I hit a paywall.

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NecroSocial 1 point

Acronym primer because I, not being a 4chan vet, had to google shit:

NEET: Not in Education, Employment, or Training = Not doing nuffin

KHV: Kissless, handholdless, virgin = also not doing nuffin only sexually

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NecroSocial 1 point

I'd be happy sis had hidden coolness. Then I'd prolly try and rope her into playing some fancy RPG like Mage: The Ascension.

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NecroSocial 1 point



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NecroSocial 1 point

I held out for so long, just refusing to give up my precious HTML attributes. I was all like, "But HTML is so simple, why do we need to complicate this?" totally not hearing that whole separate layout from style argument. Now it's like the back of my hand but in those web 1.0 days I was a salty HTML curmudgeon.

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