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NecroSocial 2 points *

I see your points about how /s/random could develop. Hadn't considered some of that. A couple things I thought of to help content discovery for the small subchans are:

Steal Reddit's "random" feature, click link in main navigation to go to a random SFW sub

Highlight the 5 most recently created SFW subs on the front page somehow

Ability to sort the subchan list in various ways like by: New, Old, SFW, NSFW, NSFL, user count, post count etc.

Add ability to crosspost between subs

Make sorting options for frontpage and /s/all persistent. RN the sort goes away when reloading the page.

Apologies to /u/Cicero for me just constantly trying to add work to your plate.

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NecroSocial 2 points
Don't know what you mean by diddley-eye

That's a colloquial term for Irish Trad music so basically the same as Irish folk, The Bothy Band fits the sound from what I've heard. Thanks for the recommendations, I'll check 'em out, my inner hibernophile hasn't been tended to lately.

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NecroSocial 2 points *

Acquaintances, Romans, cuntmen, once we unite as The Kingdom of NecroSociaLand with me as your benevolent ruler all will be made right. Memes will flow like water, we'll do weird Garfield shit, Cicero will be besieged with Feature Requests, people will actually respond to Shorty's teen angst posts and Gaystation will be in charge of reviewing all /u/SorbianSwitzerland and /u/Gokturks_are_furries strange world-music posts for the lulz. Yes my stinking, filthy peons you will all marvel at the glory of /s/StarTrek being made a default sub as the might of our legions defends and expands the Mainchan banner on Pixeland with the ferver of a thousand retards! /u/AnneBoonchy will be our spirit animal... or executioner... I haven't decied yet and /u/anonymous234 will be our court jester. No taxes, floggings will be brutal but fair, and the pr0n subs shall overfloweth with boobies.


-Your Future Liege

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NecroSocial 2 points

Depends. Does this app also make deepfake porn of every woman who ever turned me down for a date?

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NecroSocial 2 points

I welcome chaos.

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NecroSocial 2 points

*/Throws garbage can through window

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NecroSocial 2 points

Cool flag

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NecroSocial 2 points

All modern web design is soulless. Take it from a web designer who's been in the trenches since the 90's. I watched artistic, innovative design get slowly replaced by the standardized, formulaic, designed-by-engineers boredomscape we see today. I was designing graphics-intense table-based websites before CSS was a thing. There was a whole movement of people who viewed web design as art first and commerce a distant second. But then the engineers and business people came and they needed everything to be standardized and homogenized for maximum interoperability, platform support, and idiot user support. Basically if a 90 year old grandma with bad vision and poor computer literacy couldn't navigate your site like a pro on their first visit using one of those barely functional old-people phones then your design wasn't getting approved.

That's just the front end, on the backend the engineers need to justify their jobs existing and so generate a never ending parade of frameworks designers and devs have to learn (because the executives make them hiring requirements) which are often hostile to design freedom by reinforcing establish homogeneity or "patterns". Then cram all that into executive enforced development frameworks like Scrum or Agile that leave no room for experimentation and you have todays boring, everything looks the same interwebs.

All this is to say that if I really wanted to, and Cicero was down, I could make this site and the app look unique and amazing while still being as functional or moreso than any other social site. However I've had the love of web design beaten TF out of me by living through all those things I just complained about. It'd take a salary at least over 100k to get me to commit to that level of designing again (which is a bit more than mainchan volunteer designer pays haha).

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NecroSocial 2 points

Reminds me of when I made a German lady friend online a long time ago. We were on the phone and I was trying to think of something German we might have in common and the band Rammstein came to mind. I'd been blasting their song "Bück Dich" that day so I brought it up. Told German gal I loved the song and I'd learned the German lyrics and been singing it all day so much my mother was sick of hearing it at which point she cracked up laughing. When she could breathe again after laughing so hard she told me that "Buck Dich" is an explicit song about a man raping another man. Oof.

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NecroSocial 2 points *

The show was greenlit with a 5 season mandate. It'd be amazing if it being so horrible leads Amazon to cut their losses and bail on the remaining 3 season commitment on this awful show.

I watched the first episode of season 2 on Prime then hit "thumbs down" to remove it from my recommendations. I'm now one of the people who started but refused to finish the show, a damning metric in streaming that's the main reason shows get cancelled. I'm doing my part!

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NecroSocial 2 points
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NecroSocial 2 points

Party time!

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NecroSocial 2 points

The Mainchan App Issues thread here lists all the missing features between the site and the app as something to be addressed. The Subchan List is issue #9 and Cicero says it'll eventually be added under the Subchan Tab in the app.

Now that I think about it someone should make a thread that links to all the website only pages for the app-only folks. I'll prolly do that today if no one beats me to it.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Squashed like a tube of toothpaste... if the paste was made of people.

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NecroSocial 2 points

So last night I posted 3 death metal videos and then this. I'm hilarious.

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NecroSocial 2 points *

Mainchan is a free speech platform which is great but there's a hard truth that comes with that. We can filter out racists and gore but the fact that racism isn't banned or the hide-NSFL option isn't on by default even for guests means anyone with a public image to protect is likely to stay far away from here (unless they're a right winger or racist themselves, so maybe a Fox News or alt-right type celebrity). I couldn't budge Cicero's thinking on hiding NSFL by default a year ago when I asked about it so I can't imagine Mainchan's growth shaking out any other way despite most of the user base so far seemingly being center, center-left, and left (and not bigots).

Any celebrity who isn't a racist or righty that sets up shop here would have to be a free speech absolutist I think, otherwise they'd stick with the heavily censored platforms like Reddit. That or someone who's already a member here needs to become a celebrity. How about it Shorty, any plans to become like a movie star anytime soon?

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NecroSocial 2 points *

At the loving, supporting and teaching absolutely. At the providing-for part definitely not considering providing for just myself has been a clusterfuck of mayhem.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Surely you mean Playstation Pro?

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NecroSocial 2 points *

Saw the first episode from the leaks. Netflix is censoring the hell out of this show. Not just the anime boobs but the dialog as well. I'll stick to the original uncensored series and OVAs. Those pirated 25 gigabytes are hard drive space well spent. Still glad new people will be introduced to the show but that "modern audiences" censorship shit is for babies.

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NecroSocial 2 points *

Have to use the search feature. It'll come up as soon as you type the first couple letters. Full subchan list hasn't been implemented in the app yet.

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NecroSocial 2 points

The Huawei Mate XT has stolen all the Samsung Z Fold 6's thunder. I think most people who were thinking of getting a Z-Fold 6 are going to wait for Samsung to put out their own tri-fold or equivalent before they make the move to a folding phone. Samsung is lucky Huawei is a Chinese brand and most Americans won't buy a phone known to leak their data to the CCP or their sales would be tanking right now.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Interesting. Never heard of these guys before. The part at 4:28 that it builds up to is a vibe, I dig it. The whole long slow build thing reminds me of Oceansize "An Old Friend of The Christy's" (though that song goes heavier where this one is more sorta ethereal). Anyway, gonna check this band out when I get a chance.

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NecroSocial 2 points

This reminds me there was this like grindcore or death metal type band I was gonna post here. I'm blanking on their name rn. But the funny part is the dude who started the band wanted to make the most evil band possible so, instead of doing a satanic thing like Deicide he made a band that only makes blatant, ridiculously graphic pedo songs. I gotta remember who they were cuz I'm damn sure not gonna try to search them up and wind up on some list.

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NecroSocial 2 points *

Haha, I just saw that weaksauce post you made on Reddit. It's a bad read and has a typos:

...has all kinds of features that [word missing] doesn't have

...feed for users your follow

...We also don't have ads plan to monetize through "private feeds" (I know what you mean and that sentence is still confusing)

Were you perhaps throwing back a couple shots when you wrote that post?

Also do you have any other way to add people to the beta than email addresses? I can imagine people not wanting to give their emails up front before they've even signed up for the site/app... especially after reading a message who's typos kinda read like a scammer email.

I left a comment in there btw, just giving the place props.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Hey, I like finally being the second most frequent poster around here. Also Cicero is way too IDGAF to bother posting on an alt just to mimic activity. I can't get the guy to send out a mass email to remind lapsed users the site exists and has an app now.

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