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NecroSocial 2 points

Less weak, more mobile. Heart still doing weird shit. Still get short of breath out of nowhere sometimes though I have less anxiety that I'm going to suddenly lose the ability to breath... just sometimes I get the slightest twinge of that feeling I had right before I almost died at the hospital and then I get anxious again. In general just trying to settle into whatever this new normal is. It'll be a month or two before I can get tested again to see if the embolism has decreased enough that I can think about like mountain biking or lifting for exercise. So all and all still sucks just not as bad. Thanks for asking.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Despite my rant above I'd say it's worth a watch. Like I said there is a lot of good stuff in there and maybe the things that bothered me won't be a big deal to you. I don't regret watching it, just a number of creative and casting choices (also the VFX can be bad sometimes and the obvious LED wall can be obvious sometimes). But yeah give it a watch.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Now that I've had some hours to mull it over I can at least appreciate that it didn't make me hate it and its creators like say Rings of Power or Halo season one. But yeah I was expecting better. The original sets an insanely high bar to reach.

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NecroSocial 2 points

You on an Apple device with a trackpad? If so I found this:

Me I'd "inspect element" and poke around to see if there's some html or script issue causing a layout error. From your screenshot it looks like there's something inside the rounded corner div containing the video/player that's the problem (if it's a layout issue). That's because the right side has rounded corners while left doesn't (which means the video/player isn't filling it's container div for some reason). Good luck sorting it out.

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NecroSocial 2 points
they tried to rewrite an S tier writing with B tier writers

That's maybe the best description of the whole thing I've heard yet. Do you think it'll get better in season 2? Me I'm thinking it'll take so long to film that the kid playing Aang will almost look like a grown ass man by the time it comes out. Quality wise unless they magically get the original creators back on board it'll be more of the same.

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NecroSocial 2 points *

Looks like the Netlify CEO jumped in and wiped that bill clean, saying it was a mistaken charge for a traffic spike. That has happened to me before when running sites that get a big random surge of visitors. If you're lucky the site just goes down for a little bit. I say lucky because the other option is you get hit with a gigantic bill for traffic over your limit and most times the CEO does not come to your rescue and it's either pay-up or find a new web host. Note this is usually with cheapo non-cloud-base hosts. There are better options that mostly avoid this nightmare but they tend to be on the spendy side.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Hahaha, the whole time reading that I thought she meant the leg braces made it look like she was Crip walking. Diddn't connect crip=crippled at all haha.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Welcum back

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NecroSocial 2 points

They say they're rolling Linux out over time and training the workers how to use it before and as they switch. Gotta think that'll have better results than some of the failed attempts to switch by some other governments.

I'm definitely going either Linux with a Win11 virtual machine or just strait Linux when I'm forced to leave Windows 10 finally. I'm sick of Windows power-user hostility and privacy invasion.

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NecroSocial 2 points *

Awesome. Hype engaged.

BTW I want to offer you a graphic design assist with the app, but I also don't want to do any work. It's a conundrum for me.

How easy/hard is the UI to fiddle with if you wanted to? We talking basic HTML/CSS or some kind of templating system with a lot of moving parts?

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NecroSocial 2 points *

So they're making a live action OPM in Hollywood and not using a story from the original creators but instead Dan Harmon and Heather Anne Campbell rewriting a script from two dudes responsible for Kangaroo Jack and Netflix's Cowboy Bebop respectively to be helmed by the director from Fast and Furious?

Jesus fucking Christ on flaming pogo stick this is going to suck. It'll be funny, maybe, but not in the same iconic way OPM is funny and all the rest of it will be off. Calling it now, they're going to set it in America, race swap multiple characters and fuck with the mythology somehow. Plus it's a Sony production so the cinematography is going to be in that same shitty league as Morbius, Venom and Madame Web. Fuck!

The US needs a new hub for the film industry completely separate from Hollywood that isn't controlled by multinational conglomerates. Hollywood is looking too far gone at this point.

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NecroSocial 2 points

We'll keep have to deal with hallucinations until/unless they give AI the ability to say "I don't know." Right now models are basically required to give an answer to a prompt and if no true answer exists in their approximation then they just lie/hallucinate the most convincing thing they can calculate because answering, "How should I know?" isn't an option. There's something about the black box nature of how current LLMs formulate replies that makes recognizing when to admit defeat in answering a query a non starter at the moment. It's why a image generator will always return an image no matter how obscure or misunderstood the prompt was. For example I just asked for an image of "mipsydoople canarling a jibbymank" and got the attached image which I guess is it taking "canarling" to mean "canary" because failure isn't an option.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Devin AI, though probably vaporware, is still a good proof of concept for these kinds of dev systems and Devin is only running 4 sub-agents. Imagine an AI running hundreds or thousands of sub-agents each handling different aspects of the development pipeline from setting up environments to QA to final commits and go-live and keeping a master list of where in the process the whole thing is. A single human coder could be overseeing the master list to step in and resolve any bottlenecks. After enough learning the human coder could be cut out of the process entirely and only step in at the end to ensure the software is working to spec before launch. It's prolly not completely there yet but it's definitely coming and likely sooner than one would expect.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Soon enough most knowledge work degrees will be worthless. Personally I'm hoping we can get to this "job-free, UBI for all" future already. Living through the transition is gonna suuuuuck for a lot of people if the usual suspects fight giving people universal basic income while the short-sighted anti-AI luddites keep up with the "AI ain't taking mah jerb!" bullshit at the same time.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Nationwide UBI will likely require a tax on all companies creating or employing AI. Also keep in mind UBI would be replacing welfare and possibly foods stamps creating a massive pool of cash to begin with. A dream scenario would see those funds supplemented even further by a tax on cannabis in conjunction with recreational use being legalized at the federal level.

As for the "life has no meaning without work" argument I just disagree with that completely. First there's the fact that loads of people would still be working even after AI takes over all the knowledge work and even after AI-infused robots take over all the physical work. People would still find meaning in creating art and music despite the fact that AI would also be involved in art and music, people would find meaning in improving themselves physically and mentally. There could be a whole renaissance of people getting back to face-to-face interaction with family and friends given all their free time. People would still want to explore (on Earth, in space and philosophically), science will always have a bleeding edge some folks will want to be on the cusp of. Sports and hobbies, building things there's unlimited potential outside the confines of the wage slavery system we've been shackled to for so long.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Hey the man knows what he likes.

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NecroSocial 2 points

So like if Nu-Metal fucked Metallica? Sounds like that's what they're going for. Very djenty of them commiting that hard to the worship of the almighty open top string, I dug it.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Yeah, the search space needs more competition and Google's enshitification of their own services has left a huge opening for someone to disrupt their search dominance. I already use Bing for image searches and DuckDuckGo for a lot of my web searches when Google fails me or I don't want my search for some random thing I'll never need to see again to get interpreted by Google as a new thing to try and advertise to me.

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NecroSocial 2 points

The basilisk will remember your crimes

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NecroSocial 2 points

First time hearing this sound outside of Japan. Nice

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NecroSocial 2 points *

Definitely the one I would have linked to if I hadn't decided to go with a video that showed the band in it (only a few to chose from with that criteria, the finalists were the one I picked and Otaku). Their drummer kills it on Sentimental Heroine tho, you have good taste Tanuki.

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NecroSocial 2 points

When this song first came out I thought we were about to have another Nirvana "Smells Like Teen Spirit" moment. Thought it was about to be the birth of a new era of popular rock music. Alas corporate media was out of the rock n roll business by then except the last gasps of nu-metal. 24 years later and rock has still not had a mainstream come-back. This song is still awesome though.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Oh yeah, had that album on heavy repeat when it came out. Was disappointed in their follow up albums in comparison though, still great musicianship but IMO they never recaptured the magic of Relationship of Command. Part of that was likely on purpose because they're the types to experiment with no attachment to any working formulas they develop, and partly due to line-up changes.

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NecroSocial 2 points

From the replies maybe Mainchan leans Android? I'm an Android user a well. Had any takers yet?

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NecroSocial 2 points

Yea why not just reboot them?

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