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NecroSocial 2 points

AI Pope has that Balenciaga coat, real Pope don't got that drip. AI Pope FTW.

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NecroSocial 2 points

There's a lot of truth to dead internet theory. As someone who's been online since there was an online to be on I've seen it dry up. The internet used to be vast, like incalculably vast. Once commercial interests got involved it began contracting into what we have today. Mega websites like social media hubs acted like black holes swallowing up huge swaths of smaller sites. Free hosting companies with huge user bases went under and companies managing the data storage of the net began purging sites who's owners hadn't accessed them in however long or who'd stopped paying the hosting bill. It's been like watching stars in the night sky blink out of existence one by one until mostly only the brightest stars remain.

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NecroSocial 2 points

It all comes down to how many house-like amenities you can build into a rig. If you can get solar, internet, AC, heat, hot & cold running water, a shower (preferably recirculating), a fridge, stove (and/or microwave and/or oven), and a toilet then you're on easy street. Then if you want to travel you need either savings or a mobile way of making money. It's only scary if you're living homeless style with few amenities, little money, and staying in a lot of urban areas, that's bottom barrel right there.

But you know vanlife is awesome when one of the biggest complaints from long time vanlifers is becoming jaded to waking up to scenic vistas.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Check out Foresty Forest and Vancity Vanlife on youtube. They're both Canadian and been at it a long time. Vancity Vanlife is a good kick off point since he started with the most basic build possible and shows the progression of how he built it up over time. Also, not Canadian but Ryan Twomey has a more full-amenity build. Otherwie just search for "van tour" to find a bazillion different builds to get an idea of what's possible.

BTW when searching the term "vanlife" on Youtube there's literally 10 anti-vanlife videos that are always near the top of the search regardless of whether you've watched them already or told YT not to recommend them, it's kinda weird.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Bad execution, should have handled the letters with gloves at all times, used a fake return address and mailed them from somewhere far from her home with no cameras around. Lady was amateur hour.

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NecroSocial 2 points

This video led me down a whole socialist/communist wormhole for a few hours yesterday. I'm probably on a list now. Thanks op.

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NecroSocial 2 points

It was chad IHOP vs virgin Denny's. The outcome was preordained.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Do not agree to perform in any underground art films while you're there.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Not I. Would be ironic if my ad blocker blocked their anti ad blocker ad.

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NecroSocial 2 points
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NecroSocial 2 points

He said on a website that doesn't run on ads

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NecroSocial 2 points

Hmm. Then I'm at a loss for suggesting a workable solution without being knowledgeable on the codebase.

I feel something like this will become a priority soon though. If we continue to have far right frens showing up to the party but still want people with other viewpoints to join as well those people will likely need to know they'll have tools to filter content to their liking. If the best on offer is hiding subs from /all and hiding things tagged NSFW/NSFL/P that still leaves enough vectors for people to see content they'd rather filter that it will turn away potential users.

The NSFL filter only works on posts/subs voluntarily tagged by their creator. And, as I've harassed you about before, filtering NSFL also removes violent content in addition to hate stuff. Since I personally don't care for the hate stuff but I'm fine with violence/gore/etc, the NSFL filter doesn't fit my particular use case just as an example.

Also blocking a user doesn't hide their content so let's say a user has a name like u/NiggerFaggot (sorry to single ya out NF, your name actually brings me back to Xbox live lobbies before everyone got all offended) and you block them. Well that does nothing (visible) because you've still got NiggerFaggot on your screen when the black guy you're blowing sees your phone screen and now your annual interracial gay gangbang is ruined... or something... just spitballing oddly specific situations here.

Guess this all boils down to a request for a more granular and air-tight method of content filtration than the current tags offer.

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NecroSocial 2 points

This was an objectively bad episode of Star Trek, however it was the first episode of this season of of SNW that didn't leave me deeply disappointed and angry at what Secret Hideout is doing to the franchise. Why? Because they tried. They put together their couple of braincells and tried to write a self-contained, episodic story that actually goes to a different planet and deals with an issue involving aliens and a sci-fi concept. They failed at everything they tried but I appreciate the effort. If one day they can do what they tried here but with an actually good, logical story and less nuTrek tropes they might have something.

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NecroSocial 2 points

It also doesn't stick, I mod subs set to sort by New that still default to Hot regardless.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Like clockwork

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NecroSocial 2 points

Who could have imagined that antagonizing your user base by disabling password sharing during financially hard times while also forcing every new production to pander to the worst of DEI/ESG tropes would turn out poorly?

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NecroSocial 2 points

An actual good episode. I'm shocked. Nothing annoyed me, no canon was disrespected, the jokes landed, there was a sci fi premise, an new alien planet. I could actually rewatch this and not hate my life for doing so. I am super surprised. They nailed it with this one. Of course they are going throw away all this good will with an awful musical episide next week so I'm not getting used to enjoying SNW.

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NecroSocial 2 points *

Here's the bill itself:


Here's a Verify article fact-checking the age verification measures:


Regardless of whether people are upload ID's to websites or some government created system this is some nefarious shit being pushed under the guise of protecting kids online. It will lead to the removal of privacy from the internet entirely, hyper-charging corporate or government data harvesting, and opening a massive attack vector for identity theft. Been in the works for a minute and I'm super pissed to only be learning about it just now.


If you're the type to write your senator, now would be a good time.


Also here's an article from the Electronic Frontier Foundation laying out the censorship and surveillance concerns with KOSA:

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NecroSocial 2 points

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman

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NecroSocial 2 points *

A dramatic rumination on the scars of war which questions whether someone can ever be absolved of their most heinous sins. At least that's what the episode is aiming for. It gets there better than I would ever have expected the SNW writers to be capable of but there's still much to be desired. The ultimate note this ends on isn't one of hope or optimism but pessimism. Mbenga just gets away with premeditated murder for reasons the episode wants us to believe were, if not noble, then at least acceptable.

MBenga's victim was a war criminal, one seeking to reform himself in the aftermath of his crimes by becoming a respected ambassador for peace. Mbenga, a field medic during the war directly effected by the former's actions, left mentally scarred by acts he did in response. It's all good set up. However the ending is ultimately anti-Trek in nature. This is an ending Gene Rodenberry would have cut and replaced with an aspirational note showing MBenga struggling but ultimately rising above his petty desire for "justice" in the form of vengeance. Maybe he does still stab him but then he'd follow that by using every medical trick in his arsenal to save the Klingon's life. He'd throw himself on the mercy of his captain and plead forgiveness for his transgression and be given punishment but still a second chance for fixing his grievous mistake. The episode could have ended with Mbenga and the Klingon having some deep, bedside conversation in the med bay that left it ambivalent as to the moral quandary but hopeful that this is a world where even these mortal enemies can resolve their differences.

Instead Mbenga shanks the dude and gets away with it, with Nurse Chapel strait up lying to Pike that she saw the whole thing when all she saw were blurry silhouettes through frosted glass. Even worse we have an epilogue where Mbenga presents his vigilante style reasoning as if he was morally right to kill the ambassador. If this were some other IP this would have been a good episode however it fails as a Star Trek episode because it doesn't even try to present an attempt at aspirational resolution. The message is killing someone you believe to be evil is acceptable, due process and redemption be damned. That's just not what Star Trek is supposed to be about.

All in all a competent episode but it's DNA is just not Star Trek.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Good luck attracting investment mate.

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NecroSocial 2 points

According to the last time my doctor gave me grief I'm about 743 years old.

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NecroSocial 2 points

The front page is missing both a link to the Discord and a link to the list of subchans. Bet a lot of folks don't know either exist.

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NecroSocial 2 points *

LK-99 is the supposed room temperature ambient pressure super conductor that's Nobel-Prize-worthy big if true. The race is on to replicate the original experiment and fully verify the claims that LK-99 is a true room temperature superconductor. If LK-99 holds up, expect some futuristic tech to emerge afterwards along with lossless power grids, levitating trains that put current maglev to shame, faster, smaller and more efficient computers and more accurate medical imaging tech. Could even be the key to fully unlock fusion energy. So y'know, no biggie.

The study above is one of the first to successfully reproduce a portion of the original findings and they expect more to come. A great article on LK-99 here:

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NecroSocial 2 points

If true then yeah. All the future tech stuff would be years down the line though.

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