Why would the CDC national survey make these up? That's about as reputable a survey you could ever imagine. You might as well throw out all of social sciences if you don't trust the CDC.
>The experts, including researchers from the UK, analysed data from 101 meta-analyses on cannabis use. The studies were published from 2002 to 2022 and looked at the effects of different combinations of cannabis, cannabinoids and cannabis-based medicines on health.
>The review of reviews concluded that cannabis use was linked to poor mental health and cognition. It increased the risk of car crashes among drivers and led to poor outcomes for babies when pregnant women used the drug.
>The authors said that cannabis should be avoided among young people while their brains were still developing. They argued that most mental illnesses were first identified during teenage years and young adulthood. And this was also a period when "cognition is paramount for optimising academic performance and learning".
post during school!
you're dead.
realistic expectations
what kind of business do you want to open
damn that's cool as fuck.
monero or bust
Why would the CDC national survey make these up? That's about as reputable a survey you could ever imagine. You might as well throw out all of social sciences if you don't trust the CDC.
Drink a lot, get kidney failure. Alcohol is dangerous.
>No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health
iirc the men's stats showed similar correlations but less pronounced. I remember reading the full study after a debate on 4chins
Just remember, fucking a bunch of hoes with your dick also harms pair bonding, respect yourself
it's over
>The experts, including researchers from the UK, analysed data from 101 meta-analyses on cannabis use. The studies were published from 2002 to 2022 and looked at the effects of different combinations of cannabis, cannabinoids and cannabis-based medicines on health.
>The review of reviews concluded that cannabis use was linked to poor mental health and cognition. It increased the risk of car crashes among drivers and led to poor outcomes for babies when pregnant women used the drug.
>The authors said that cannabis should be avoided among young people while their brains were still developing. They argued that most mental illnesses were first identified during teenage years and young adulthood. And this was also a period when "cognition is paramount for optimising academic performance and learning".
yea i saw. We need maximum age limits pretty bad.
the prophecy is true