1839 Karma
I used to post daily memes :) Also the first to make a meme related to mainchan. Also first cat and dog on mainchan. im better than you
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Too bad
No mainbro uses Instagram
I agree they are boring but its apart of mainchan culture
What you did is hilarious. Does he no its you or does he think its someone in your class. If he knows it you then things will get tense however if you a aviod him then he might think he has one and maybe he'll stop, also he might be bluffing. If he thinks its someone in his class then be friendly an scincer to him but don't force interactions with him.
Your make majority of mainchan posts if you go mainchan goes
Even this post has 0 upvotes
You'll find your place
Coolguy has the same karma issue it seems
The internet can rot your brain
But fuck Google more and less
What sort of bots?
Hentai jumpscare
It kinda reminds me of the "duck walked up to the lemonade stand" song from 2014
"which sounds gay" - quack