

-418 Karma

mainchan shared account password 234anonymous

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anonymous234 0 points


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anonymous234 1 point

sounds good

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anonymous234 1 point

fuck, that's Eru and Cocoa, please disregard the title

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anonymous234 2 points

No. I considered at first saying please and thank you, but it felt weird being polite to a statistical model.

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anonymous234 1 point

fuck, the threads I've been necrobumping all week on >>>/a/ will be slid by the horde of normalfags tonight

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anonymous234 0 points

Denied. Thread closed.

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anonymous234 1 point

nice id

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anonymous234 1 point


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anonymous234 2 points

ur mom

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anonymous234 0 points

>testing on production

what's wrong with you?

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anonymous234 1 point

>they do it for free

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anonymous234 1 point

most people in here come from 4chan I think, since the admin ran an ad campaign in there a few months ago

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anonymous234 1 point

if you were smart you would be doing the same

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anonymous234 2 points

It's over for paintpigs for real this time.

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anonymous234 0 points

get fucked, lol

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anonymous234 0 points

mainchan is dead

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anonymous234 6 points *

after what happened with the crunchyroll-funimation drama I think if you are not pirating, or at least subbed to a service that let's you download media locally you are retarded

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anonymous234 2 points

It's from an archive of gochiusa April fools projects. The 4chan community has also built some notable projects like my wife Sxarp's site, Cocoa's fansite, Megu's fansite, and Megu's memory game. I've been thinking of building a site for Maya and Chiya, but I don't really have a lot of time currently, but hopefully in the future.

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anonymous234 1 point
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anonymous234 1 point


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anonymous234 1 point

I'm about to post more Sxarp.

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anonymous234 1 point


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anonymous234 2 points

I was chased by a pack of dogs when I was like six or so, and not necessarily feared them, but rather hated dogs and wanted to have nothing to do with them until I was fourteen or so when I realized how dumb that was.

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anonymous234 1 point

Everywhere else feels fake since you can get banned for the slightest thing, I've been banned several times from reddit and twitter for jokingly telling people to kill themselves, even here I got a warning for making an slightly offensive joke about trans people. There's a lot of garbage on 4chan, but you can use filters, and pin your favorite generals to the top with 4chanX, so it's not as bad. Also it's nice to be able to post from any device without worrying about having to make an account.

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