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I'm just some random dude on the internet

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Mr_trololo 4 points

>However, my main problem is having to sit through a class that teaches me things that I will never use.

That's every class, unless you're planning to get a degree where one or two subjects would be useful.

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Mr_trololo 3 points

Good point

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Mr_trololo 5 points

It's posts like these that makes me atleast thankful for my slightly less shitty life.

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Mr_trololo 1 point

/u/Flak gave you ownership? Or did you claim it because he/she went inactive?

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Mr_trololo 4 points

White women be like:

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Mr_trololo 1 point

Good luck, honestly surprised you're excited instead of freaking the hell out.

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Mr_trololo 2 points

Welcome fren!

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Mr_trololo 1 point

At least he's asking for permission

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Mr_trololo 1 point

Wtf am I looking at

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Mr_trololo 1 point

They will find your money attractive but not you (probably).

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Mr_trololo 0 points *

5 or 6 tenagers who are about 14-16 filming a tiktok on public. They played some loud ass shitty instrumental music on a blutooth speaker, they were dancing to it while singing. Not even in synchronisation. They weren't even good, absolute dogshit performance. It was more annoying than cringe really. I did my best to ignore them and walk away.

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Mr_trololo 1 point

I'll probably make a poll

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Mr_trololo 1 point

I knew it. You would often source New Zealander websites. So I had this speculation that you are living in NZ. So, I was correct. (I wasn't trying to dox you or anything, just a speculation.)

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Mr_trololo 1 point *

No, it's just a shitty decision. Considering they can profit off the retards who do. Especially that some huge subreddits are made NSFW, to protest. Since ads don't generate on NSFW posts. They're losing some money. The money from rewards can atleast compensate. Now they're gonna lose even more money.

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Mr_trololo 2 points

I remember watching them when their content peaked, but I stopped when they became unfunny.

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Mr_trololo 1 point

Damn, hope Anon is doing better now

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Mr_trololo 1 point

Now, I'm curious. What shitty decision will it be next. What will be the final nail on the coffin.

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Mr_trololo 2 points

I was sleep deprived

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Mr_trololo 2 points

Good luck, anon

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Mr_trololo 1 point

Lewdable character designs.

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Mr_trololo 2 points

Mainchan corgi eating a snoo is pretty clever, cute too

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Mr_trololo 2 points

Can't say I'm not guilty for doing similar things.

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Mr_trololo 1 point

I like 'em

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Mr_trololo 2 points

Actually do shit on time and not procrastinate. I nearly failed because of that.

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Mr_trololo 2 points

Yes, NSFW as a whole is allowed. But yeah, I feel like /s/boobs is a more fitting sub to be posting these.

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